Thursday, November 15, 2018

For those who want to get a head start on August, 2019 . . .

Can't get Cross Country out of my mind.  There is a reason for that.  The All-State Meet is running on Sunday, so the season is not yet over.  And while we may have been shut out (along with other Patriot League teams save Hanover Boys and Hingham Girls) we can look forward to returning 17 of our top 20 Boys and adding some experienced girls to replace our Seniors in 2019.  AND we still have our year-end event at a time and date TBD.  I'm actually prepared for it already.  The awards (some of which are shown below)  have been purchased and I've made a commitment to do little, if any, speaking.  (Insert that stupid buzz sound I make here.)

Awards you may ultimately toss
One of the few I chose to keep (cool guitar!)

But the more important matter at hand is preparation for the 2019 edition of XC.  That, kiddos, starts today.  No, I don't want you going out for a long run.  In fact, many of you are in the middle of the week I suggested you take off.  And I recommend each of you take an entire week off before resuming running.  But, like me, you can continue to think and plan for the future.  One of the things I will be asking you to do, starting November 26, is to get in the weight room.  I will be putting a plan in place for you to follow over the next 9 months or so.  The plan consists of a three day rotation, each focusing on different body parts (legs; arms/shoulders; back.) Noted sports medicine physician, Dr. Douglas Comeau says, "Adding strength training to your routine can help you achieve any number of goals.  Burn fat. Build muscle.  Boost metabolism.  Reduce anxiety and stress. Increase bone density.  Improve blood flow.  Control blood sugar.  Increase energy.  Improve balance and coordination.  Protect spine and extremities.  And aid in helping perform daily activities."  Don't worry about weight gain, our focus will be on proper form with more repetition  and less weight.  By next August you will be machine like.  Powerful, strong, fast and injury free.  This year I pushed you as hard as any team I've coached.  Your year end evaluations, for many, included the recommendation that we take it back in some form or another.  Whether it is a true shakeout run prior to race day or a mid-week day off, that is what you asked for.  Despite the fact that most of you improved consistently throughout the season, some of you expressed weariness toward the end of the season.  Not my fault entirely.  YOU must prepare better.  One of the comments I heard most in those same evaluations was that you MUST increase your summer running.  That is true, but you must also prepare for that as well.  Weight training will be a significant factor in the process.  So look forward to hearing more about that after you've had a chance to rest those aching muscles.

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