I opened up at our T&F year end gathering with a thank you to Coach S and his wife, Judi, who literally did everything to put together the event. Congratulations to them for a wonderful evening during which I had the enjoyment of throwing a frisbee for the first time in decades. This of course brought back many memories of carefree days of my youth. It is extremely rare that melancholy stops me in my tracks, but that nearly did. Thank you also to the kids and parents who participated and I hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as I did.
With T&F in the rear view mirror it is time to set our sights on the XC season which lies ahead. How many days until formal practice? 72. The training plans provided to those who attended our meetings assumed a start date of TODAY. The plan itself can be viewed from a previous post or you can e-mail me and I will be happy to send a copy.
I was asked at Friday's gathering about running camps. I fully support them, provided that our student-athletes follow the simple rule of limiting weekly increases by 10%. I have had too many occasions where an athlete adversely impacts, or totally destroys his/her goal for their season by trying to keep up with other camp kids who have better prepared for the high mileage runs of some. Don't be the kid who does too much, too soon. You're better off staying home frankly. But if you build up intelligently to the levels we suggest, and follow the 10% rule, running camp can be a wonderful experience. Two such running camps can be reviewed at the following links:
I am familiar with most, if not all, of the counselors and instructors at each of the camps and can tell you, it is a fun filled and educational experience. Check them out . . .
And after you've done that, get out for a run. You'll be glad you did.
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