Warren Harding, the nation's 29th (I had to look that up) President, campaigned on a return to "normalcy" platform. His message, apparently effective, was that the country, following WWI, had to be restored to its prewar state. Today, we pay homage, somebody should, to President Harding by getting back to work. It makes little difference Harding once said he was "not fit for this office and never should have been here" or that his historical ranking is at or near the bottom of most polls. What matters is that Harding saw a need to return to the plan that makes this the world's strongest nation. And while reading this even I can see the hyperbole, there is little doubt you have to return to what will make you achieve your best.
Following 6 weeks of base training, the summer plan calls for one workout this week. Looking at the weather forecast, I think tomorrow is your best bet. The workout is explained in detail in your summer training handout and previous blog entries. If you really want to, you'll find it easily enough.
But just so you know . . . other teams are working hard. Cross Country is a summer sport played out in the fall and those that work the hardest now have the best results when it really counts. Your upcoming season can be memorable or disastrous. That choice rests with you because it's "crunch time." 30 . . . 30 days until formal practice ! For me, a return to "normalcy." For you . . . can't wait to find out.
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