The choice is always yours. You can do nothing. You can spin your wheels by feigning an attempt at improvement. You could, of course, make a half-hearted effort. And there are always those who nearly succeed and quit. But without doubt, the best alternative is to always put 100% into all you do and let the chips fall where they may.
Academics, sports, life itself, present opportunities which are there for the taking. Nobody can expect to succeed in every endeavor. But that doesn't mean you can't improve your odds. Three simple letters . . . TRY.
This week I received the listing of Whitman-Hanson students and the sports in which each planned to participate. I was of course very interested in learning which students planned to participate in Cross Country and Track and was somewhat disappointed when I determined ALL our student-athletes weren't on board with my sports. (99% in jest.) But what really troubled me was that the list, though long, represented only a fraction of the student-body.
I know that some of our students are precluded from participation in sports for one reason or another. I am also very aware there are other opportunities in academic and extra-curricular clubs which many of our students take advantage of. So perhaps my concern over participation isn't entirely justified. But, from my standpoint of experience, tinged with a smidgen of wisdom, I hope everybody will TRY SOMETHING. Life is not a dress rehearsal and the time you spend in high school is brief and fleeting. But the character, effort, commitment, productivity, positivity and competitiveness you bring into your adult life will be established by the time you leave Whitman-Hanson.
Make an effort. Buy into commitment. Invest in yourself.
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