Friday, October 16, 2020

October 16, 2020 - Practice #24

Yesterday's win by the Boys was not incredible.  That is to say it was not improbable or unbelievable, the boys have worked extremely hard and earned the victory.  The Girls overall performance against a highly ranked, experienced and talented team was equally as impressive.  And looking down my list of goals for this week, I have checked off quite a few, including the goal at the top . . . IMPROVEMENT.  24 Boys improved their 5K time, and EVERY Girl did as well.  We have ZERO injuries among the Boys, and the Girls are nearly 100% healthy. Check.  Another goal achieved.  I think these accomplishments speak to your dedication and your consistency.  Those are traits you can not coach.  And you kids deserve ALL the credit.  I'm delighted to get to watch every minute.  Thank you.

I'm looking out my office window and it is a gloomy day.  But the glass is half full!  It is warm and running today will be enjoyable** as a result.  One quick note impacting our training plans is that the meet versus Duxbury has been moved to Tuesday for both the Boys and Girls.  There are still some details to be worked out such as who will run first, Boys or Girls?  Little things that will be resolved quickly I'm sure.  But we have to prepare for Duxbury which has always been a formidable opponent and I see no reason why this year would be any different.  So today it will be:

BOYS - All Groups:  A Recovery run of 12% of estimated weekly mileage followed by strides, core and stretch.

GIRLS - Groups 1 and 2 - Alternating Tempo Run (total 5 Miles)  Miles 1, 2 and 3 Easy, 2 and 4 at  race pace plus 15%. (i.e. add 15% to your race pace . . . got it?)

               Other Groups - Mile Loop, 8 x 200, Mile Loop 

               All groups - Core and Stretch

No formal practice tomorrow but all are expected to run on their own.  It should be your longest run of the week at an EASY pace. (Shakeout for those running Sunday.)

Oh and one more thing.  I have never measured my personal XC success in wins and losses, but I feel no guilt today.  I set as one of my goals, beating the Hingham boys this week for the first time in my 7 years here.  CHECK. 😁

 That will do it for now.  See you all VERY soon . . . 

** P.S. (postscript)  Even the rain worked out perfectly!  It held off until precisely the midway point of the 6 mile run.  Of course, it poured all the way back and through strides and stretch.  But the Boys were smiling and chatting it up all the way.  Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the G1 and 2 Girls killed the Alternating Tempo while G3-5 impressed Coach Coletti with their 8x200.  

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