Thursday, September 9, 2021

You're Ready

 Race Day . . .

Stopwatches?  check

Numbered sticks for finish line?  check

Scoresheets?  check

Add meet and athletes to   check

Cones to mark the course?   check

Paint for start and Finish Lines?  check

I'm ready!  But the big question is . . . are you ready?  Race day jitters is nothing new.  Been there, done that.  But once the gun goes off, it's just one foot in front of the other.  You've got this.  You're ready.

As in any race, there is some strategy involved.  We covered that yesterday.  You're ready.

You've worked hard for three weeks and in many cases three months or more.  Followed the training plan.  Completed workouts, core, strides, weight training.  You're ready.

Running shoes, extra dry socks, uniform in the bag and ready to arrive at 3:15.  You're ready.

Hydrated, eating extra healthy today.  You're ready.

We all have physical limitations but each of you is prepared to test those limits today.  You might just surprise yourself, your teammates, your family.  Give it your best effort and everybody will go home happy.  No disappointment, no second guessing, no angst . . . just setting the bar.  Challenging yourself.  At the end of the day, you'll look back and take pride in having given it your all.   You'll remember the team and coaches cheering you on.  You'll be thankful you've done the job.  And you'll be excited for the next race where you know you'll do even better.  You'll wonder why the hard work is actually so much fun!  And its all because . . . you're ready!

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