Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Day 2 - Tuesday, August 20

Thirty-one boys and girls attended practice yesterday and we're impressed with the results thus far.  We're expecting a couple of additional athletes today and we're pretty happy with what we've seen.  Based on Monday's practice we felt confident in splitting the teams into two groups.  The newer and less experienced runners followed a plan similar to that of Monday, with a goal of two miles on a quarter mile loop (8 loops) with one effort of 15 seconds at stride pace in each of the final four loops.  Coach Coletti and Coach S saw great effort and marked improvement over day 1 from all!  Our goal here is to build up slowly over the next couple of weeks while providing a reasonable and attainable challenge in each practice.  

With the more experienced group we ran 5 X 3/2 cruise intervals on the grass.  That is 3 minutes at an easy pace, followed by 2 minutes at 5K pace, five times.  Every runner completed the assignment without a problem, nobody stopped, nobody expressed difficulty in completing the task.  Within two minutes of completion, they were ready for more.

Both groups began with the same warmup, and each group completed their post run work separately.  The inexperienced runners, who had what we might call an "easy" day, had an "easy" post run assignment also.  The experienced runners who had a "hard" day maintained that with a "hard" post run effort.  The coaches don't necessarily follow an easy, hard sequence on practice days.  However, we do make hard days "hard", and easy days "easy" start to finish. Today will be another "easy" day (our definition) for all, but our team's first venture into the streets this season.

Just a couple of administrative things.  First, uniforms (tops) are now available.  The cost for uniform tops is $40.70.  Checks can be made out to Whitman-Hanson Athletics.  Shorts are purchased separately by the athletes.  Any type of solid black short is fine.  Whatever you feel most comfortable in.  Second, our schedule is always available at the following link:

Whitman-Hanson XC schedule

I also learned last evening that our Patriot League Championship Meet will be held October 26th, at Silver Lake High School with a Noon start time.  More on that as the date approaches.

We're looking forward to more smiles and improvement starting at 2:30 today.  Keep up the good work, you're doing a great job!

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