Tuesday, October 1, 2019

May the Best Man/Woman Win

I can't imagine why the phrase repeated itself in my mind 20 times before I arrived at the office this morning.  Ordinarily, it comes to mind post-competition when I analyze the available data and determine the reasons behind the outcome. I'm usually left with "the best team won."  But today I'm thinking this pre-race and frankly, wondering why. Obviously the expression lends itself to the beginning of a competitive event.  The intent is also obvious. The person, or in this case the team, which truly deserves to win should do so.  It's the fundamental element of good sportsmanship.  It may not necessarily be the fastest or the strongest or the most skilled who prevails.  But it should be the most deserving.

And perhaps that is why the phrase "may the best man/woman win" is in my head today.  A few weeks back I made an effort to jot down some of the favorite teams I've had the opportunity to coach.  It took only a couple of minutes to determine my favorites consisted of teams that weren't simply successful but actually deserved to win.  The effort exceeded the ability in most cases. The attitude in general was always positive. The respect and admiration the players or runners had for their teammates and opponents was evident.  All traits which describe the 2019 edition of WHRHS XC.  All those teams did precisely as asked, cheerfully.  In fact most, if not all, wanted to do more than asked and like this year's teams, showed up every day wanting, needing, to improve.

We have a long season, and we haven't yet passed mid-way. Ultimate "best" will not be determined today.  But today I'm going with "May the best man/woman win" because today nobody deserves it more than you.  

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