Monday, December 24, 2018

Season's Greetings

While working on potential New Year's resolutions, not an easy task when you've already given up just about everything you enjoy, I've concluded that whatever I drop from my diet, pleasure or routine still leaves me one of the luckiest guys on earth.  That said, I will celebrate Christmas this evening and tomorrow joyfully, and hope that all of you do as well.  Thank you for the gift that I continue to open each day at 2:30!

Book #3 of books I love is in reality anything written by Charles Dickens.  I don't recall any required readings in high school, but there is a reason all Dickens books have never been out of print for the past century and a half; for all liberal arts students, Dickens is a requisite.  Great Expectations, A Tale of Two Cities and Oliver Twist are difficult to avoid if that is the route you choose.  Though not a "required" reading, it was a novel I chose to read on my own, more than once or twice, and still enjoy to this day

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