Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Eight Days In - Blog Entry #906

In my office I have a three shelf bookcase on which there are two sections, one for U. S. History, the other for Distance Running.  I've taken hundreds of workout ideas from the Distance Running books on those shelves over the years.  Some are modified or combined with others.  Many are increased or decreased depending upon the circumstances and situations.  I've always thought it was important to mix things up a little bit to keep you interested.  But in coaching, as in running, consistency is extremely important.  So, as I look at my books on Running, I smile when I look over "Duel in the Sun" by John Brant, a great story about the 1982 Boston Marathon (my first, coincidentally), a grueling battle between Dick Beardsley and Alberto Salazar in the extreme heat.  I laugh out loud when I open Jeff Galloway's "Running Until You're 100." (I tried!)   I'm pensive when I skim through "Run for Life" by Roy Wallack.  And I'm ambivalent when contemplating "Racing Heart" by Kate Edwards, whose joy for running mirrors my own in too many ways.  

But the truth is, I've essentially used two books over the years to help me put together workouts and plans for my student-athletes.  I sat down for a time recently with "The Competitive Runner's Handbook" written in 1983 by Bob and Shelly Glover, with numerous updates, and learned not much has really changed in our sport.  Running is still placing one foot in front of the other, at different paces and distances, over an extended period of time.  Many of the workouts in that book have become a big part of the way I trained and in turn asked you to train.  They are tried and true, and the book, for reference purposes, is still a masterpiece in my opinion.  The other book, one I've mentioned during the first week of practice is "Daniels' Running Formula", (second edition, 2005) written by the legendary coach in 1998. This year I plan to return to the book throughout the season, as I did over a 5 or 6 year period some time ago with considerable success, in putting together our Group 1 training plans.  The plan demands a deliberate and progressive approach and avoidance of injury.  It also requires specific, individual plans and a "reliance on common sense, along with a willingness to  experiment now and then." And it works.

Yesterday, each member of Group 1 was given a sheet with training paces, based on our recent 3K Time Trial, to be used over the next 10 days or so.  We also held our first pyramid workout, consisting of 200s, 400s, 800s, using those training times.  The 17 athletes participating overwhelmingly expressed enjoyment with this workout.  The rep times aren't particularly difficult, but have a cumulative effect that will bring about improvement while avoiding injury that accompanies "too much, too soon."  Today, the Group will be running EASY pace miles at distances based on your current level of conditioning and experience.  We'll finish up in the weight room. Daniels' "Formula" will be put to the test this season.  I am confident your success will follow.

Coach Coletti has a 35 minute run on the course planned with strides, core and stretch to follow.  Coach S will have Group 3 running easy with a short hill workout followed by strides, core and stretch.  The coaches will provide more details when we convene at 2:30..


Group 1 should have masks in their possession in order to enter the weight room.  

All athletes MUST address the matter of USER FEES by tomorrow, 9/1, either by making payment via the whathletics.com website or by arrangement with the Athletic Director.

Uniforms are available from Coach George.  The cost is $39.00 payable by cash or check made payable to Steve George.  I purchase them from Boathouse Sports and distribute them to you at my cost.


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