Last week's Track and Field Clinic was in the planning stages for quite some time and the preparation phase pretty much matched the time actually spent at the clinic. I won't bore you with the details of that preparation but I will tell you that I personally found the clinic extremely rewarding. I spent the week with about 35 young track and field athletes (including our counselors) who were instructed in essentially all of our events, after which they competed head-to-head for two days. Track and Field is a great sport, and I'm pleased to have had the opportunity to introduce some extraordinary kids to it. But it won't end there. Plans are already in the works for 2022 along with some offerings over the Fall and Spring for the youngsters. Details will follow.
In the meantime, your preparation phase for Cross Country should be in full swing. I know many of our returning athletes are following the plan. It's simple enough. 5-6 weeks of easy miles building up to 6 days of 5 miles for our Juniors and Seniors, 6 days at 4 miles for our Sophomores, and 6 days at 3 miles for our Freshmen. Some of you have already graduated to our workout plan (you either know it already or you must contact me for details once you've reached the base mile goal.) But first things first. Register at . I'm surprised by the fact we have more kids attending the strength and conditioning sessions than we have signed up for the fall. Physical exams/concussion pre-test AND registration must be complete in order to join us August 23rd at our first practice. 2:30 on the Track. But paperwork must be completed. No exceptions!
We will continue to meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the next 3 weeks. Those who have been attending regularly now know the weight room routines. On easy days following practice, I'll be asking you to get into the weight room and continue those routines. Weight training may not make you a faster runner, but it will make you a stronger, and injury free runner. I slogged through the end of countless races before finding that out. When I added the weight room, finishing strong was the norm. You'll see.
I'll close today with something I've said for years, Cross Country is a summer sport, played out in the fall. We've got about 20 or so kids who understand that perfectly. I'm hoping others follow their lead.
I'll be back with more in the blog, and with more regularity, now that XC is my focus. I'll have some good news tonight at core @ 4. That's not a tease, merely a fact. Hope to see you there.
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