Sunday, September 8, 2024

Completing Week #3 - Marshfield up first

We're blessed to have no Cross Country related injuries thus far, as evidenced by a nearly full crew on Saturday at Burrage Pond.  There are some aches and pains, but nothing resulting from the training process over the past three weeks.  Some athletes came into the season with some issues/injuries but our trainer, Corey, has been working with each of them in an effort to get them ready to compete. We actually slowed it down this week with a "Park and Back" on Tuesday, which we followed up with 30 minutes on Wednesday, a 17/15 progression run on Thursday, and 25 minutes on Friday.  Each day included 5 x 20 second strides within the run, and coupled with our post run work each day, have been a factor in keeping everybody healthy.  So, when we got to Burrage to run our home course this Saturday, which will be initiated for real on Tuesday, September 10th when we host Marshfield, everybody was happy and ready to go.  We again confirmed the distance as a legitimate 5K, and everybody was able to cover it without a problem.  An informal poll of the kids revealed the course was "great", even "perfect" with no hills, literally four turns, and comfortable terrain. A look ahead to the weather on Tuesday looks like we'll have a temperature of about 70 degrees, with sun and comfortable humidity levels.  A very good day for racing.

Yesterday we discussed logistics with regard to our Tuesday meet.  We have not run an off-campus home meet in over ten years here at WHRHS.  This season we were essentially forced to do so because there is an ongoing construction project on a good portion of the course.  We've always had some difficulty in maintaining and getting around the school course using any configuration (and there have been many.)  There are several areas where the grass and brush have to be cut and removed by the coaches because those sections which are overgrown are on a right-of-way owned by the utility company.  There are also the problems caused for motorists who are asked to stop for crossing runners on both the driveway leading up to the school and on the crosswalk by the half time building.  The numerous turns on the course and the traffic behind the school and along the gym coming from the pre-school are also a concern and require posting dozens of students out there to direct the runners.  And of course, we have had to navigate sub-varsity soccer athletes and parents attending games, and a couple of football practices as well in order to make our way through the course. I, for one, am ecstatic we have an opportunity to run a nice course within 5 miles of the school which have NONE of the aforementioned obstructions.  But it comes with another challenge.  The athletes don't have to arrive until 3:00PM and will be dismissed from school 90 minutes earlier.  We are asking that our athletes take private transportation to Burrage Pond (located on Hawks Avenue off Pleasant Street in Hanson.)  The coaches will make efforts to drive as many of those needing rides as possible, and upperclassmen have offered to take others with them. I'm hopeful parents can also help get their son or daughter to the meet at or around 3:00PM.  Like each practice day, parents can pick up their son or daughter when the meet is completed.  Starting time for the races is 4:00PM.  We expect the two races to be complete at 5:30. If you have any questions, please don't be afraid to contact one of the coaches (your children have our cell numbers) and thank you in advance for helping out with what I'm hoping will be a great experience.

Once again, this link will provide details for our course on Tuesday:

Whitman-Hanson Burrage 5K

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