Wednesday, September 4, 2024

New TEAM, new plan, new attitude

The coaches have discussed our relatively new approach to training this season and its impact on/by TEAM chemistry.  With the graduation and departure of more than one-half of our TEAM, the timing was perfect for implementing a new training plan.  In the past we've established groups, aligned by our perception of the athletes' ability, experience and conditioning level. Each group worked separately, and we set a goal for every athlete to work to move "up the ladder" so to speak.  In retrospect, it was a flawed system.  Groups became tight. The bonds and friendships among the student-athletes served as disincentive for mobility between those groups.  Looking back, the separate groups were detrimental to creating the TEAM unity we'd hoped for. 

So, this year we are practicing each day as a TEAM.  We warmup together, run together, and do our post-run work together.  A new approach requires some creativity and we've been up for the challenge.  And the TEAM has been extremely receptive to that challenge.  Yesterday's workout is a good example.  We began with our new warmup routine which takes about 17 minutes.  Add about three minutes for a water break and discussion about our goals for the day and any new matters of importance, and then we headed out for a run to the Town Park and return (4 miles minimum.)  EVERY member of the TEAM, in its 12th day of practice, accomplished this easily.  Many of the athletes accomplished more in fact.  Some continued looping the Park before returning while others added on by looping the WHRHS front field several times upon their return, with all finishing at approximately the same time.  Each runner was also asked to progress to 5 X 20 second strides within his/her run.  Following that we worked as a group on our post-run strength and mobility exercises which have thus far proven to help us avoid injuries, and when done we'd completed a fairly difficult 1- and 3/4-hour practice.  All left with smiles!!  Which leads me to this.  This TEAM may not, at this point anyway, be championship ready.  It is however an absolute joy for us to coach.  A TEAM full of great kids, with great attitudes, happy with what they are doing, and making marked and visible improvements every day.  The coaches couldn't be happier . . .

To be continued . . .

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