Sunday, October 18, 2015

REMARKABLE STATISTIC - Monday, October 19, 2015

This morning I ran in Hingham, along the way thinking about the big meet coming up and how our team will be running at Higham High on Tuesday. I am second guessing of course, the training methods that brought us to this point.  When I run alone, I tend to think too much.  For a distraction I turn on music on the I-phone . . . and I'm running hard to U2's "End of the World" and I'm sprinting through the guitar solo.  So I shut the music off after reminding myself I'm nearly 4 miles into an out and back and probably better off thinking . . . regardless of where it leads me.  I used to run to clear my mind, but I find lately it only makes things murky.  I promise myself I'll try to attach some empirical evidence to whether we're headed in the right direction following my run as I take note of the fallen, drying leaves along the roadway and the occasional sunburst that takes a bite of the chilly 40 degree morning.  Eventually I'm back at start and feeling good now about my effort and head home to . . .

And what I find is truly remarkable.  EVERY runner who participated in the Bay State Invitational on Saturday ran a season's best.  Six of the ten ran a career PR!  I create a D3 hypothetical meet for our Boys team and am pleased to learn in the virtual world our Boys would finish 5th in the Division in a 5k race.  I am even happier when I realize the #4 team reflects an error that would actually place them behind us in the (hypothetical) hunt for an All-State berth.

My giddiness screams to a halt as I take a look at the calendar.  There are 4 weeks left on the season . . . and that is reality!  The hard work must be maintained. Effort must continue to be there.  Today, in fact, the boys who ran at Bay State are holding a workout as I write. Each one determined to do his very best in the days ahead. It starts in Hingham and ends only after a great run in Wrentham at EMass.

For the Girls, the 4 remaining weeks are a blessing.  Illness and injury have impacted the squad certainly, but it gives us time to heal and recover.  W-H Girls have been a great team for so long, there is not the slightest chance of coasting now.  But a couple of days of rest will help.  And in light of yesterday's performances, they are well-deserved.

On Monday, those who participated at the Bay State Invitational have a day off.  All other athletes will meet at 2:30 on the track.  Practice will be brief . . . a shakeout run with strides and stretching.  You're all physically prepared for Hingham.  Use the rest of the day for psychological preparation.  Rest, eat well, hydrate and get ready for the season's denouement.

See you at 2:30 . . .

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