Several important items for today . . . including our workout plan which today will be an Easy pace run of 40 minutes, with strides, core and stretching to follow. The following athletes will add 4 x 2 Minute pickups during the 40 run.
Coletti, Duffey, S. Evans, Keenan, Kenney, Moscoso, Newman, Pulkinen, and Ryan
The Patriot League Coaches Post-season Meeting will be held this evening. All-Star voting will take place. The All-Star selection process has been modified from previous years. This year only 12 athletes (of each gender/each division) will become All-Stars. 7 will be voted on by the coaches, the other 5 will be determined by the League Meet on Saturday where the top 5 finishers not voted onto the All-Star team will be added. With six teams in each division selection will be limited and difficult. Coaches were asked for nominations but given the selection process most, as was the case here, entered only two nominees for each team. I'll post the results this evening.
Also up for discussion tonight is entry for Saturday's meet. After publishing that 10 athletes could be entered into each Varsity and each JV race, there is some confusion if that is the case. Because entries were due at midnight yesterday I've entered everybody, but I anticipate some scratches. Again, I will inform all of you this evening about entry for Saturday's race. Everybody is expected at practice today, but for some the racing portion of the season may have concluded.
The end of the season means discussion about a year-end "banquet" and selection of Captains for the 2016 season. Please discuss among yourselves when and where you would like the banquet to take place. The Captains and Coaches want your input. I would opt for something post November 21 when everybody has concluded his/her season and year end awards can be put together. As for voting for Captains, the criteria is as follows:
1. You can vote for two Boys and two girls
2. Voting will be done via e-mail to Coach George ( ), or via text to 781-367-8487. If voting via text be sure to identify yourself by name. I assure you that only the coaches will view the actual voting and I encourage voting for one's self.
3. In order to be eligible for Captain one must be entering his/her Senior year or be a team member in good standing for two consecutive years. Those eligible therefore are:
BOYS: Tom Allen, Jacob Bukow, Nate Guilmet, Chris Kenney, Lukas Moscoso, Andrew Newman, Harry Nihan, Bryce Pulkinen, Jack Ryan, Bryan Tyrie, Alex Uva, Haydon Wager, Cam Wilson
GIRLS: Camryn Boyce, Julia Cosgrave, Kaitlyn Daly, Jessica Green, Olivia Morse, Nicole Norve
That's it for now. We'll see you all at 2:30!
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