Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year's Resolution

Many, if not most adults, make their New Year's Resolution weight loss or getting in shape. . . kicking those goodies for carrot sticks in order to drop pounds slowly packed on over the years.  Healthy, athletic teens, on the other hand probably don't concern themselves with these matters.  Because I am so far removed from the teen generation I frankly don't have a clue what you might resolve for the New Year.  In fact, I'm not certain young people even consider New Year's Resolutions.  That said however, I would ask that you consider this.  You've made running and fitness a part of your life . . . resolve to keep it there. My doctor tells me every year that longevity is greatly impacted by keeping excess weight off.  I'm listening!  While I may not want to lose weight, I do hope to at least maintain my current weight.  The best way I know is diet and exercise.  Keep away from the junk food and keep on running. That is a part of my LIST of resolutions for 2016.  There are more.  Some involve running.  Mine and yours.  I hope to get off on the right foot January 1!!

Last weekend I asked you to complete a long run and tempo run during your 4 days off.  Many of you followed the suggestion.  Thank you.  This week we went 40 minutes Easy on Monday, and were forced indoors on Tuesday for another 25 Easy paced minutes.  Today, the distance crew will take it up a notch with cruise intervals on the Track.  35 minutes with 5 X 2 minute pick-ups on my whistle.  Many of you know the drill.  Over the following three days, I am suggesting a long run on Friday or Saturday and a short, easy "shakeout" run on Sunday in preparation for our meet on Monday.  

Coach Berens will not be able to get to practice today and in response to my question, "Is there any particular workout you would like the girls to do tomorrow?" the response was " . . . do the workout you did the last time I wasn't there . . . they should be in better shape for it this time."  And so it shall be . . . 400,300,200,100 X 2 following a 5 minute warm up run on the track.

Following the workouts, it will be stretch and go.  Be safe and resolve to make 2016 your best year yet!

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