Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Yesterday you opted to stay indoors, today your options are limited to this entry's title, title, title!  While the track may be covered in a couple of inches of snow, the sidewalks are clear of ice and snow and perfectly safe for running.  Add to that today's temperature will be in the lower 40's and sun will be in abundance, it makes anything other than a run outside unthinkable.  Following your run indoors yesterday I ventured out on an out and back I enjoy through Whitman Center.  As I was returning down Broad Street, I heard (yes, I heard!) footsteps behind me, getting closer, and Brendon O'Leary, who most of you know, passed by.  He slowed to say hello and I asked if he was preparing for next month's Boston Marathon and he indicated that he was ready for it.  Mr. O'Leary is a tremendous runner, finishing 87th overall in the 2014 Boston Marathon in 2:29.  As he sped off I picked up my pace a little bit (OK, my 8:38s became 8:20s) and my thought went immediately to motivation.  I could never (and have never) maintained a pace that Brendon routinely runs, but he motivated me to work a little harder.  Looking around this year's mid-distance and distance runners, I see a lot of very talented athletes.  I see a lot of inexperienced athletes as well.  Those with less experience and a shorter resume can look to those at the front of the pack for your motivation.  Watch them in practice.  Emulate them as best you can.  While I am well beyond the point that I can improve greatly, I can improve.  Motivation helps.  Your potential at this stage is UNLIMITED.  If you have the patience and the desire, in time it will be you others look to for motivation.

45 minutes easy today, strides and stretching . . .

See you there!

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