Friday, June 22, 2018

June 22, 2018

U2 - Day 2!  My Fitbit tells me I got 4 hours and 1 minute of sleep last night.  Joyfully, I get to do it again tonight!  The proverbial double edged sword.

Starting a running program can also be a "double edged sword."  The down side of course is delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) which accompanies running's assault on your muscles.  On a positive note however is that these miles you will build upon over the summer will reap big rewards in health and fitness, not to mention favorable racing results come September.

Something we try to emphasize for all our athletes, especially those new to the sport, is the importance of maintaining a running log.  In fact, I am asking that each of you maintain a log over the summer and plan to bring it with you on the first day of practice August 23rd.  At previous stops, student-athletes were asked to maintain a computer based log which could be viewed by coaches and teammates at any time.  This was ideal from my standpoint because it created a competitive spirit early on in team training.  Unfortunately, when I arrived at WHRHS it was met with some resistance by the athletes and it was ultimately abandoned.  I have however required each athlete to maintain his/her own log and turn it in when we convene in August.  The purpose is not judge any athlete in a negative way, but to give the coaching staff the opportunity to create running groups consisting of athletes with comparable abilities and conditioning.  This provides the safest and best means of leading everybody toward his/her personal goals for the season.  When we meet on August 23rd, in addition to the running log, you will also be asked a handful of questions which will tell us how many days per week you've been running, your longest run, and your individual and team goals for the season.  Achievement of goals, as our experienced runners know, are acknowledged as they are attained throughout the season.  

The importance of maintaining the log can not be over-emphasized.  The following article details the benefits of maintaining a log and also provides a very good .pdf format for those who find it meets their needs.  Whatever the format, we'll be looking for it in August.  Forewarned is forearmed . . .

Have a great run . . . today!

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