Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Tuesday - July 31, 2018

Every year at this time I begin to get excited about returning to Cross Country.  This year is no different.  It seems there are always surprises in store.  Those surprises generally come in the form of either new athletes joining the team or experienced athletes making improvement.  The best years are those when both events occur.  We have had a handful of newcomers at our Tuesday and Thursday strength and training sessions.  Each evidently has some talent and will make contributions early on to the team's success.  I expect to see more new faces when we get started August 23rd.  And, as you might guess, I hear about the training being put in by some of you, and occasionally see you on the roads.  I am then optimistic about the upcoming season.  There is an adage which says "You can never be too rich or too thin."  I think in our sport it could be said "You can never have too many athletes or too much talent."  Along with an increase in our overall numbers I am expecting that everybody will arrive with a positive attitude hoping to improve.  It will take hard work, dedication and a willingness to adhere to a tough training regimen.  But those up for the challenge will be rewarded with improved running efficiency, greater endurance, a healthy lifestyle and faster times. 

It is now only about three weeks until practice gets under way.  As excited as I become about the prospects for a great season, I am resigned to the likelihood some of you have not put in the training necessary to to insure a great start (and thus a great finish) to your season.  I recognize, and support certainly, the social aspects of participating on a team.  But I've been involved in sports long enough to know that a retrospective look at a high school career in athletics is always appreciated more where BOTH friendships AND accomplishments have played a role.

Come to the team and practice this year with the intention of making new acquaintances and friendships.  You won't be disappointed there.  That's a guarantee.  But also arrive with a plan to achieve goals you never thought possible.  The opportunities are limitless if you're willing to work for it.  If not, the most disappointed person, when you take a look back, will be you.  That too, is a guarantee . . .

Get out there!

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