Sunday, June 18, 2023

Summer Training for Cross Country

As temperatures rise following the end of our school year, cross country athletes find themselves facing their most important task - summer training.  While the temptation to relax and take a long break may be difficult to avoid, the summer months offer the best opportunity for runners to gain a competitive edge while enhancing their performance.  Some suggestions follow to make the most of your opportunity.

BUILD A SOLID BASE:  Summer training is the foundation of a successful XC season.  It's the time to improve overall fitness, increase mileage and build endurance.  Weekly mileage should gradually increase while you focus on easy runs and developing aerobic capacity.  Consistency is the key, with a goal of five to six runs per week.  Cross-training activities, such as swimming or cycling, should be incorporated into the training to avoid overuse injuries.

ACCLIMATE TO THE HEAT:  You will likely face obstacles including heat and humidity.  Try to run early in the morning or in the evening to avoid the hottest times during the day.  Hydrate properly by drinking plenty of water before, after and during your runs.  Wear appropriate clothing to help you stay cool.  If you must run in the heat, be responsible.  Take breaks and be safe. 

STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING:  Summer is the ideal time to focus on strength and conditioning.  Attend our strength and conditioning sessions held each Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00PM, if possible.  Incorporating this type of training into your regimen will improve your endurance and more importantly help you prevent injuries.  Flexibility exercises such stretching and yoga can improve your range of motion and prevent muscle tightness.

SET GOALS:  To stay motivated during the summer, set specific goals for yourself.  Whether it is improving your 5K time, making increases in your weekly mileage, or increasing your strength and flexibility, having goals will give you something to strive for and see your progress.  Small, manageable goals work best as you celebrate each accomplishment along the way.

Summer training is vital to a successful season.  By building a solid foundation, developing mental and physical resilience, and setting goals you are paving the way for success.  Remember, the effort you put into your summer training, will reap rewards come the fall.  So, use these summer months as your steppingstone to a great Cross-Country season. 

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