Saturday's long run at Burridge Pond proved interesting. Some of the kids became "confused" which is not synonymous with "lost" thankfully. But nearly everybody was there and some of the kids went longer than I'd hoped for. There is quite a lot of potential among our Freshman class on both the Boys and the Girls teams. The future of XC looks good and this year's team is shaping up as well. While we may be a tad deeper than anticipated we can ill afford any injuries, which is always a factor when putting together our training plan.
I mentioned earlier that generally practices follow a hard, easy, hard and so on, pattern. Of course the question was raised if we go hard on Saturday and take Sunday off, what do we do on Monday? This week anyway, the answer is . . . both! Having 5 different groups based on experience/ability requires us to be flexible. Working backwards from next Saturday when the top Boys and top Girls will be working very hard at a yet undisclosed location, they will go Easy on Monday, running similar distances/times to this past Friday. On Monday, the other three groups will be split among the three coaches and will have a hard day consisting of running, hills, and strength and conditioning. Of course nobody will escape abs and we all enjoy post run stretching.
Have any of you heard if cuts have been made from other teams? I have not, but if you have a friend or a classmate who was not selected for another team sport this fall why not encourage them to run Cross Country. They have another shot at being in on something especially rewarding. Some of you may have experienced discomfort over the past few days. For some that discomfort may continue for a week or so. I am confident that it is not so painful that you would NOT suggest somebody try us out! Right? We always have room for more at every ability and experience level.
No, the picture is not that of your coach . . . although the going was slow at Burridge!
GREAT first week for all. But for now, that's all folks! There will certainly be more to come . . .
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